JP4 Driving Safety Course Eligibility & Requirements
Do not take the driving safety course without approval from the court. All requests must be done in person or by mail. Online requests are not accepted.
A defendant may request a driving safety course if the following criteria are met:
- At least 17 years of age at the time of the offense
- Haven’t taken the driving safety course within the 12 months preceding the date of the current offense
- Has valid Texas driver’s license or permit (holders of Commercial Driver’s License are NOT eligible) or are a member, or the spouse or dependent child of a member, of the United States military forces serving on active duty
- Has proof of financial responsibility (automobile liability insurance); your name must be listed on the policy.
You do not qualify for the driving safety course if:
- Alleged speed was 25 mph or more over the speed limit or speed exceeded 95 mph
- Traffic offenses committed by a person with a commercial driver’s license
- Offense was committed in a construction zone with workers present
- Offense was committed by passing a school bus
- Failed to stop and render aid offenses
If you meet the requirements above, you can make your request in person or by mail to the Court on or before your appearance date listed on your citation.
Request the Driving Safety Course by Mail
Include the following with your request:
- A request/affidavit for driver’s safety course. The affidavit must be sworn to and notarized prior to being sent to the court. Download, print, and complete the request/affidavit for a driver’s safety course.
- A 3A certified copy of driving record maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Driving Records can be obtained here: Licensee Driver Records
- A copy of proof of financial responsibility (automobile liability insurance)
- A copy of your valid Texas driver’s license, or permit or proof that you are a member or the spouse or dependent child of a member of the United States military forces serving on active duty
- A cashier’s check or money order payable to Montgomery County for the amount $145.00, with your cause number written on the memo line.
The defendant must take a 6-hour TDLR (Texas Department Licensing and Regulation) approved driving safety course and present the SIGNED COURT COPY of the course completion and Affidavit by the 90th day in person, by mail, fax or email to the contact information listed below.